January 10, 2017

Improve Your Vehicle in 2017


The new year is in full swing and resolutions are inspiring us to be healthier! Did you know tinting your automobile’s windows can help you in this quest? If you are in the Sebastian or Vero Beach area of Florida, Solar Solutions Window Tinting can assist you in picking the appropriate window film tint for your vehicle. There are various shades, colors, and levels of reflective tint which reduce heat, reduce glare, and provide UV protection. Solar protection guarantees a cooler, safer, and healthier ride along with enhancing the appearance of your ride. Let us assist you in your New Year’s resolutions by tinting your automobile windows and improving your health as an added bonus!

One way tinting your car windows can help you to be healthier is through glare reduction. Blinding sun in your eyes can be not only dangerous, but deadly! Window tint film shields eyes from extreme light and glare. The last thing you want to have happen while driving is to be unable to see, even if it is momentarily! Solar Solutions Window Tinting can apply the correct tint to block out the searing Florida heat and protect your view from harsh, bright sunlight. Glare reduction can also improve nighttime visibility by reducing the brightness of headlights.  Window tint can increase your safety and overall wellbeing by positively improving your ability to see clearly while driving night or day.

Secondly, allowing the experts at Solar Solutions Window Tinting to apply a window tint film to your car windows will protect the health of passengers by keeping them safer. In the event of an accident, tint film keeps glass from shattering upon impact. Check out this You Tube video exemplifying the difference between a window with tint film being shattered versus a non-tinted window being smashed.

Lastly, tinting your automobile’s windows can keep you healthier by reducing heat and exposure to UV rays. In the Florida sun, temperatures can reach over a hundred degrees quickly. Heat inside a car can cause toxic chemicals to be released. Heat and UV rays trigger the release of chemicals from floor coverings, plastic, seat coverings, and fire retardation treatments. The risks increase in the summer months. Parking in the shade, using a reflector sun shade, rolling down windows, and tinting your windows can all be beneficial in keeping you healthier.

It would be a logical part of your new year’s goal of being healthier to consider adding a window tint film to your car windows.

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